Hey y’all! In the next few weeks I’ll be posting some hotbox album recommendations from our music directors! These are all albums featured in the hotbox at some point this semester, so give them a spin and support independent artists!

Peach Pyramid- Bright Blue


Originally drawn in by its sick cover art and RIYL of one of my favorite artists, Lucy Dacus, I had high hopes for Bright Blue by Peach Pyramid. If you type in “Peach” into spotify, you may have to scroll down a bit to find this artist, but trust me, it’s worth it! This hidden gem features the soft, smooth vocals and captivating lyricism of Jen Severtson paired with catchy melodies and rhythms encompassing the essence of everything nice, from a car ride with the windows down on a sunny day in mid-July in “Wear Sunscreen” to a cup of hot tea on a nostalgic rainy day in November with “Mt. Pleasant”. With true bops like these, you’ll sure have “FOMO” if you skip out on this album *winky face*

I hope you enjoy this short but sweet album as much as I do! 

      –Anna, WSPN Music Director

Oct 25, 2019

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